Monday, December 15, 2008

"The House on Sheridan Street" is out from Torquere Press!

Gale Solomon is a real estate developer, buying properties and renovating them for profit. The latest house has been giving him nothing but headaches, though. Protestors are picketing the old Sheridan house, demanding that it be 'saved'. On top of that, Nathan Oakley has shown up, claiming to be a long-lost grandson of the previous owner, demanding his inheritance back.

Gale knows that Nathan’s not Mrs. Oakley's grandson; no living relative was found by the estate, so Nathan must be running a scam. Too bad Gale likes Nathan. Maybe more than likes him. Will a mysterious letter help clear things up or make them worse? And what exactly is going on in the attic of the old Sheridan House?

Get your copy today!